Dr. William Thetford describes how Helen and he received what he called the Course’s version of the “Lord’s Prayer”. He recites the excerpt of the Course’s version of “Lord’s Prayer” from memory in this historic film clip. (T-16.VII.12:1-7).
“Forgive us our illusions, Father, and help us to accept our true relationship with You, in which there are no illusions, and where none can ever enter. Our holiness is Yours. What can there be in us that needs forgiveness when Yours is perfect? The sleep of forgetfulness is only the unwillingness to remember Your forgiveness and Your Love. Let us not wander into temptation, for the temptation of the Son of God is not Your Will. And let us receive only what You have given, and accept but this into the minds which You created and which You love. Amen.” (T-16.VII.12:1-7)