A Course in Miracles has been translated into 27 languages.
Effectively translating material from one language to another is a challenging task under any circumstances. This becomes especially true when translating A Course in Miracles. It requires experienced translators with special qualifications and skills, including a thorough understanding of the Course and an ability to convey its concepts and meanings with minimal distortion or error. Translating the Course requires great patience, dedication, insight, and perseverance on the part of the translator. You may be surprised to learn that translations of the Course normally take from five to seven years to complete—in many instances even longer—depending on the difficulty of the language and on the availability of necessary funding.
We learned early on that qualified translators must be totally prepared for such a monumental task and willing to commit to it for at least five years. Our translators are all dedicated students of A Course in Miracles who have worked with the material intensively for many years, and have translated other spiritual writings into their native language.
If you are interested in supporting the ongoing work of the Translation program you may designate the Translation Program as a donation option.
The 27 translations of A Course in Miracles have been produced and published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. Visit our Online Store for links to purchase the translations of A Course in Miracles in these formats: print, e-books and audio.
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